Noob Factory is one of the most popular fake luxury watch brands in China. It offers high quality noob watches that come with a warranty and are priced at affordable prices. When you look for reviews about Noob Factory, it’s best to read what the actual customers have to say about their experience with this brand. Check out these real customer reviews here!
You can see that the customers who have purchased noob watches from Noob Factory are more than satisfied with their purchase. One customer says, “I bought this as a gift for my dad and he loved it!” Another said, “No complaints! The watch is beautiful.” It’s clear to see why this brand has such high reviews when you read these testimonials.
I first came across noob factory while looking for something to buy my little brother who was getting into the watches. I found their site and it had some cool reviews on there from other people, so that made me feel a lot more comfortable about buying one of their products.
*This is a noob factory review. This company has been around for over 20 years and it seems like they have perfected their craft…
*Noobs are awesome, because you can do whatever you want with them. You don’t need to be an expert or know the ropes of how to work on watches, so long as